Intern Original

Why Intern at Casa Hogar?

Missions Experience

A summer in Acapulco, Mexico bring you a cross-cultural experience that exposes you to what it is like to live in a different culture while speaking a different language. Living in a different country for nine weeks allows you to step outside of what is comfortable and normal in order to see the body of Christ in a whole new light. Being with Christians of a different ethnicity and language and being able to join them in serving and worshipping the same God expands our view of God and how big He and His kingdom truly are.

Ministry Experience

Something that is unique to about Casa Hogar’s internship is that you are really able to minister to all different ages. From little children to teenagers to college ages and adults, you are able to love and show Jesus to all ages and stages. As a Casa Hogar intern, you are able to lead children’s vacation bible school studies, meet with boys and girls middle school to college age in different bible study times, and participate in the Casa Hogar staff devotions daily during the week. Another big part of your ministry as a Casa Hogar intern is to minister to the groups that in to serve at Casa Hogar during the summer. Casa Hogar interns experience a wide range and variety of different ministries within the body of Christ that will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses in ministry.



One of the best and most important parts of being a Casa Hogar intern is the relationships that you are able to build with the children and leaders of Casa Hogar. 1 Thessalonians 2:17-20 does a great job of explaining the depths of the relationships formed during your time as an intern. As the relationships deepen, you truly begin to become a part of this special family of God. The children and staff become your family and are some of the most enriching friendships that you will have. They love you just because they love you, which creates such a clear and beautiful picture of the gospel and how the Lord loves each of us.

Intern Responsibilities

  • As a Casa Hogar summer intern, you will have two main responsibilities of building relationships with the kids of Casa Hogar as well as helping all mission teams that come to work at Casa Hogar throughout the summer.
  • Building relationships with the kidsà each girl and guy intern will focus on building special and deep relationships with the kids (girl interns connecting with girls and guys with the guys). The idea is to watch the Lord break down social barriers like language and culture in order to bond the body of Christ together. As the relationship develops the intern will invest in loving these kids towards Jesus through bible studies and prayer time.
  • Working with Mission teamsà another main responsibility of a summer intern is assisting the Casa Hogar staff in welcoming and helping as the summer weeklong teams come. Interns will help in construction, VBS, and serving the team in any capacity needed.
  • Interns will also have devotion and prayer time together once a day.
  • Each intern will be assigned a day of the week to lead devotion and prayer time.
  • Each intern will also meet with the intern leader weekly as a check in to make sure the intern is spiritually fed and adjusting to the new culture.

Internship Day to Day

  • When teams are not there:
    • This will change summer to summer but when teams are not at Casa Hogar you will be leading devotions with the children, working on a special project, and assisting in any way necessary to help with daily life at Casa Hogar.
  • When teams are there:
    • Intern meeting around 7 in the morning to pray and discuss the day before meeting with the team
    • Lead encouragement and prayer for the team before they begin construction
    • Work with team as they do construction from 8-12
    • After eating lunch, interns will make sure they are available during siesta time to assist the team in whatever they need
    • Interns will meet with the team at 4:30 to regroup before the activity/VBS time
    • Interns will aid team as they carry out their activity from 5-7, also making sure team members connect with kids and vice versa
    • After eating dinner at 7, interns are available to team for assistance until everyone leaves the courtyard at 10

How to Apply

Complete this form to request an application.

7 + 2 =

Katie Scott


My first trip to Casa Hogar was in July of 2008 with my church youth group after my freshman year of high school when I was 15 years old. I remember after my first week at Casa Hogar, I told my parents that I would live there one day. Fast forward 11 years and God has faithfully called me back to serve at Casa Hogar many times over the years. The reason I continue to invest in this ministry is because of the people at Casa Hogar, not only the children but the staff as well. Casa Hogar is an incredible picture of the kingdom of God coming to this earth. Children from broken backgrounds are brought into a place where they are loved and known, but ultimately into a place where they learn of a Savior who knows them completely and loves them fully. I am so incredibly blessed to be a part of this precious family at Casa Hogar. Throughout my 11 years of work with this ministry, I have truly gained brothers and sisters into my family. I consider it a privilege to be able to share the love of this family that is found here with groups and churches that come to visit us here at Casa Hogar.

Drop Us a Line

Let us know if you have any questions!