
If you are unable to come visit our family at Casa Hogar you can still be a part of this beautiful mission by becoming a donor to our ministry. Whether you would like to donate for a specific project or to the general operating fund of Casa Hogar, any amount helps. The donations made to Casa Hogar are to better the lives of the children here at Casa Hogar in order to give them a life in which they are able to see the love of Jesus and to see that they truly do have a family that loves and provides for their needs. Through your donations, the children are able to eat, go to school, go to camps, get new facilities, learn new things, and ultimately enrich their lives so that they might succeed when they leave Casa Hogar.

Sponsor a Child

What does sponsoring a child at Casa Hogar exactly mean? We ask you to prayerfully consider sponsoring our children here at Casa Hogar. Becoming a sponsor is essentially committing to provide for and pray for this child as a part of your own family through your monthly contribution. The monthly donation allows the sponsored child to go to school, to live, and to be able to succeed in life. The sponsorship program allows the children of Casa Hogar to see that they have a family that loves them and sees them with so much worth. Through the sponsorship program, the children are also able to get a glimpse of what the gospel looks like by seeing that they are loved unconditionally. This program is one of the most fruitful parts of our ministry as it connects you with a specific child and allows them to see they are a part of a family.


One of our favorite things at Casa Hogar is having people come to visit our home and family. Whether it is for a weekend or an entire week, the purpose is for you to be able to come and get to know our family here. During your time here, you will be able to see the ministry in action, from the facilities to the staff to the different activities we do here at Casa Hogar. This is a life changing experience as it allows you to see God breaking down cultural barriers as well as language barriers in order to unite His Kingdom here on this earth. When you come visit you are able to share the love of Jesus with these children as well as build up our brothers and sisters in Christ in Mexico. This is a mutually beneficial ministry because as you come visit to give love you will receive a vast amount love in return. It is a special privilege to be a part of this family.

Drop Us a Line

Let us know if you have any questions!